Saturday, September 8, 2012 | 4:13 PM | 0 comments
Assalamualaikum w.b.t
here we go again, today is my second day living as UTM student, I woke up late, I set the alarm on 4.40, but once my eyes opened, it was 5.20 in the morning, hahaha, that was the most rushing momment for that day, epic fail, I bathed and so on, running downstair from floor 6 to ground and went to Surau, I thought I late, but once I got there, I was one of the earliest bird -.- wondering if the others are still in a deep slumber
Okay, right after performing Solat Subuh together, Kitorang kena gather kat court basketball which located just in front of the surau, so, I didn't rush like just now, and as for today, we're going to choose our leader by having vote method, well, kebanyakkan dorang sume tu lepasan Diploma, so, they have experiences the life in this UTM, and I believed they could guide us well :)
here we go, some pictures from this morning :)
Thebben, well, he's awesome :D
Thebben berucap "janganlah undi saya"
This is Patrick, n people call him Patrick Star, hoyeah :3
ni kakak fasi paling gangster .__.
Shahir berucap, 4flat 4flat :3
errr ... feezul lupa name dia .___.
barisan bakal2 leader :)
sejak bila Thebben ni malu2 lak ni -.-
okay, skip through skip through skip through, we're having some sort of ... kinda a conversation, no, a brief explanation about UTM from our pengarah and there we go, few orang kanan (orang pentinglahh) from different countries like US and Japan joined us. well, they start with their awesome video, really really awesome, im not lying, seriously, video tu attract feezul yang amat-amat, tahap kemenarikkan dia terlalu melampau, short video around 5min manage to amaze me
honestly, I don't really remember what happened that day, but the most precious moment I had that day cuma tu lah, time dgn Prof Jepong tu, seriously, He is awesome, too awesome :)