Wednesday, October 24, 2012 | 2:52 PM | 0 comments
Assalamualaikum and hissashiburi yo ! ( long time no see )
dear fellow reader, like always, we've to report what we had done in our class yesterday :)
Okay, for the class Introduction to Electronic Circuit yesterday, we are having a test, and great, before the test started, En Redzuan show us the previous mark for MultiSim test, and Alhamdulillah (praise to Allah), I manage to get full mark for it while the other, mostly range 45-49, n few even worst. So, I expect nothing better than Ultiboard test which we were going to use yesterday.
Firstly, we were told to use our previous circuit for this test, which is
forgot to change the LED to Real
or maybe this
these are previous circuit we had done, but I guess, the second circuit weren't told to be build officially in class. Syahir and me did it without instructions from En Redzuan.
but right after that, he gave us new circuit to be constructed. well, we have no choice but to start from zero, this is what I made, trying to be orderly as much as possible :)
so, this is it, then, we have to transfer the circuit to ultiboard, the steps are as follows :-
go to menu bar, click on transfer > transfer to ultiboard > transfer to ultiboard 11.0
as for mine is version 11.0
Once we have execute the transfer process, multisim will ask us where to save the ultiboard file, and all the REAL component we had in our circuit will be exported to ultiboard
this is the exported components window
okay, the progression is going well so far, I manage to do this within 15 minutes if Im not mistaken, the only thing that took me awhile is ... where is IC ? been searching for 3-5 minutes for it -____-
okay, some of you might face the same problem, so, let me tell you where is this IC hiding.
firstly, go to menu bar > place > components
(or simply click Ctrl + W)
change Database to Master Database
change Group to Mixed
Then, you can either choose Select all families or Timer, followed by type this at the namebox
' LM555CN'
oh yeah, I was told that the last letter at the IC indicate the type for this IC, like mine, Im using 'N' which mean true hold, and there's another 1 which is 'M', that is SMD IC.
change Database to Master Database
change Group to Mixed
' LM555CN'
oh yeah, I was told that the last letter at the IC indicate the type for this IC, like mine, Im using 'N' which mean true hold, and there's another 1 which is 'M', that is SMD IC.
now, simply press OK then u will get your IC :)
- Return to Ultiboard -
- Return to Ultiboard -
Now we have entered the Ultiboard progression, first of all, you will find out all your's components will be arranged orderly in a straight line like this
Okay, once I get these stuff, first thing I did was design the board layout, well, square isn't nice enough to attract others. and this shape is too common, people get bored by watching this again and again, so, I decided to use this shape
weird shape doesn't it -___-"
okay, this is the steps on how I changed my circuit board
change the selected layer to Board Outline (default is Copper Top)
huuuuuu ~
weird shape doesn't it -___-"
okay, this is the steps on how I changed my circuit board
change the selected layer to Board Outline (default is Copper Top)
then, simply right click and choose any shape you wanted to use for your design,
Remember that layer type play the important role here cause you won't be able to design the board unless you selected the board outline layer. This is also apply to other parts, as example :-
- If we want to change or move thewire at the top, we have to select Copper Top, same goes to bottom
- If we want to change or move the components at the bottom, we have to select Silkscreen bottom
Urm, this entry isn't for tutorial actually, but I would like to share my experience, that's all, after finish the arrangement of my components, I clicked at autoroute so the program will trace which is the best route to connect the wire to each component.
This is how I arranged my components
Result of autorouting, and I enlarged the width of wire :)
so, lets take a look on it's 3D view
haaaaaaa ~
hiiiiiiiiii ~
haha, I manage to finish it within 45 minutes, but, I decided not to submit earlier as there might be some mistakes I ddin't notice at the first place, so, keep changing the shape of board, arrangement of components and the others till only few minutes left, sadly, I forgot to save the previous design which I planned to submit, wait, I saved it, but I couldn't find where it was, so, I have no choice but to submit my latest design, but it's incomplete ... sighing, guess my mark is going to be deducted, due to submit it too late and my design is incomplete -___-
but people said, learn from mistakes, so, I swear I won't delaying again, save what I done, submit and well, have my leisure time somewhere ~
Okay, that's all for yesterday class
hopefully we would be able to meet on next entry, thanks for reading all :)