Don't take life too seriously,
You'll never get out of it alive.
Test !
Thursday, March 28, 2013 | 9:16 PM | 0 comments
your choice ...

Assalamualaikum :)
hi again, and thanks for coming by, 1st of all, what will you guys imagine once the you saw the "TEST" as for tittle ?

well, different people will give different perception of course, there are various type of peoples outside there who prepare themselves earlier, in the middle of learning and those who love to strike at the last minutes.

but, how about me ?

 I had a test today, and 1 of the killer subject we had here, Engineering Mathematics
mathematics once is the easiest subject for me, especially during SPM, I can even predict which part is wrong and right and give my own mark confidently, I remember the moment when I walk out from the examination hall and text amir.

we chat confidently that we will obtain A+, we know which part we did mistake, and the rest are right, but now, math is no longer like ABC like we used to answer, and amir agree with me.

Actually, when the 2nd sem started, I've struggle too much on my own especially in math, I tried not to miss a single question in my thick math's book, doing math questions everyday for at least 10 questions, somehow I used to finish my learning faster because I did more than that, easy to understand :)

and now, when we stuck right in the test, I didn't go ahead, I stop proceeding and keep doing exercise within the chapters told to be included in exam. And ... my study time is scatter lately, I din't do like what I did earlier, maybe because I felt comfort enough to confront the test with my current preparation.

I sleep early, wake up late,
sleep on evening, sleep at night,
sleep everytime ...

I don't know why, all I think lately is about sleep, which I never thought during the earlier sem, maybe my body asking me to recover from my restless schedule, so, I've no choice, or else, I will fall asleep in test or class ... or so what ever.

and the most hilarious thing is,
when I sleep earlier, and woke up around 2, I went to my study table, preparing all stuff to study, and before I start to study, what I normally do is ...

playing video games ! called
League of Legends

that was a mess, the nearest test coming,
the more I play, and last night, I played for about 1 hour before studying

this is the sign where I've lose my study spirit, or the sign of comfort I've for my ealier preparation, and actually, I didn't perform too well on the test, eventhought the test wasn't difficult,

I can tell it, I can tell it by watching my coursemates who smiling right after the examination.

okay, I really need to wake up, and chase the old me, the old me who keep studying no matter what's the condition, no more sleep, restless shouldn't be an excuse for me to keep being productive.

as for those who read this, if you wanted to change, remember to make it constantly, no skipping schedule
or else, you'll get in my position, a comfort place eventhough Im not ...

that's all for today, thanks for reading :D

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