Don't take life too seriously,
You'll never get out of it alive.
Thursday, May 23, 2013 | 2:45 AM | 0 comments

A place which is near, yet soo far away.

Jenesys 2.0 has started few days ago, some are chosen while the others are not, so, yeah, thats it.

I don't know how I feel, its like ... ok, they are chosen, so ... what ?

Im the one who leave this opportunity, leaving the 1st sem behind, not performing enough to get chosen into this programme, but yea, like i said, i dont really know how i feel right now.

because, i know, if I really want to be there, i wont give up, i need to keep running, they are far ahead, and im still crawling behind, hopeless ...

All I need right now, effort and courage,
I need more effort to perform well especially in my studies and courage to face the truth that I still have a long journey to be there, i might never be chosen for the whole life, but i never regretted it, i hope, because He know my path the best, He made this for reason. so ...

cheer up feezul, this isn't your end, you still got chance later on, just stop crawling, be more aggressive, stop thinking bout others, you've been doing others assignments all the time while they are learning for their exam, they aren't parasite, it is just you the one who allowed them to do this, it's definitely your fault !

take a step ahead, stop looking your back,
be brave to change !

now, smile and face your new day


smile ...

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